
Courses Taught (WIU)

Spring 2018

Writing for the Web (ENG 388)

English Language Arts Methods (EDUC 439G)

Fall 2017

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

Spring 2017

Topics in Writing Studies: Feminist Rhetoric (ENG 481G)

English Language Arts Methods (EDUC 439G)

The World of Harry Potter: Magic, The United Kingdom, and Social Justice (ENG 379/679) Study Abroad Course

Fall 2016

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

English Language Arts Methods (EDUC 439G)

Spring 2016

Writing for the Social Web (ENG 480)

The World of Harry Potter: Magic, The United Kingdom, and Social Justice (ENG 379/679) Study Abroad Course

Fall 2015

College Composition I (ENG 180) [paired section with Political Science 122Y: American Government and Politics]

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

English Language Arts Methods (EDUC 439G)

Spring 2015

College Composition I (ENG 180)

Pedagogy: New Media –Graduate Course (ENG 552)

Fall 2014

College Composition I (ENG 180) [paired section with Political Science 122Y: American Government and Politics]

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

Teaching New Media in Secondary Schools (ENG 499)


Reading Instruction in Secondary Schools (ENG 366)

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

FALL 2013

College Composition I (ENG 180) [paired section with Political Science 122Y: American Government and Politics]

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

Teaching New Media in Secondary Schools (ENG 499)


Reading in the Content Area (ENG 475) [Online course]


English Language Arts Methods (EDUC 439)

FALL 2012

Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools (ENG 384)

Teaching New Media in Secondary Schools (ENG 499)


Composition for Teachers (ENG 384)

Life Writing (ENG 482)

FALL 2011

Composition for Teachers (ENG 384)

Young Adult Literature (ENG 433)


Composition For Teachers (ENG 384)

Women and Literature (ENG/WS 301)

College Composition I (ENG 180)

MA Theses, Capstones, or Applied Projects Chaired

*Erica Salmonson. English. Redefining Friends and Enemies in British Fantasy: Sidekicks and Anti-Sidekicks in The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter Series. (April 2017)

*Elizabeth Wells. English. Animation and Feminism Applied Project. (March 2017)

*Danelle Jordan. English. Special Needs & Struggling Writers in the Not So Common Core Era. (December 2014).

*Chelsea Clearman, English. Taking Feminist Theory Outside the Ivory Tower. (May 2014).

*Kristen Bradley, Liberal Arts and Sciences. The White, the Black, and the Mixed: A Look at the Portrayal of Biracial (Black and White) Characters in Children’s Picture Books and the Importance of Portrayal in Establishing Positive Self-Concept Concept. (December 2011).

MA Theses or Capstones Reader

* Michelle Flood. Communications. The Negotiated Agency of Celebrity Feminist Rhetors: Booties Have A Lot to Do With It. (May 2017).

*Chris Ivy. The Games Are Afoot: Tracing Games and Deduction Across Sherlock Holmes Narratives and Media Platforms. (December 2016).

*Ruby Nancy. Travel in the Borderlands: Queer and First Generation Identity in Academic Writing.(June 2016).

*Kicina Mintera. Discrimination Adapted from Novels to Films in Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. (April 2016).

*Lucas Marshall. Writing About Writing Applied Project. (May 2016).

*Hayleigh Covella. Harry Potter and the Third Wave: Recontextualizing the Series that Shaped a Generation. (April 2015).

*Jill King, English. Shakespunk: Examining Shakespeare’s Influence on England’s Punk Movement Using Bakhtin’s Theory of Carnival (June 2014).

*Kris Souza, English. Representations of the Female Stripper in American Popular Culture. (December 2013).

*Keith Stewart, English. “Now That I’m Not Just Looking at English” Locating the Exigencies for Transfer in Four High School Writers. (October 2013).

*Susan Reid, English. Demystifying the Domains: Nontraditional Students Negotiating Antecedent Genres at a Two-Year College. (April 2013).

*Traci Johnson, English. Bridging the Gap: Creating a High School Course in Genre Awareness. (April 2013).

Undergraduate Honors Advisor

Ashley Wilson (2015-2016): 13 Years, 2 Lives: Writing a Novel.

Student Teacher Advisor

Shane Dietrikx (Spring 2018)
Annie Gortowski (Fall 2017)
Ashley Lehman (Fall 2017)
Maric McLean (Fall 2017)
Shelby Grazulis (Spring 2017)
Caitlin “Maggie” Wallace (Spring 2017)
Jeramie Okoh (Fall 2016)
Ashley Hill (Spring 2016)
Tamika Robinson (Spring 2016)
Presley DiNardi (Fall 2015)
Daniel Kopping (Spring 2015)
Nicole Johnson (Fall 2014)
Angel Samata (Fall 2014)
Kylee Davenport (Spring 2014)
Reilly Maloney (Spring 2014)
Ann Supalla (Fall 2013)
Michael Davenport (Spring 2013)
Paige Brinkmann (Spring 2012)
Chris DeJonge (Fall 2011)

Teaching Assistant Mentor

Jon Naskrent (Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
Alyson Eagan (Fall 2016-Spring 2017)
Christopher Ivy (Fall 2015-Spring 2016)

Undergraduate Student Research (Presented at Conferences)

Ian Lambach: “Personal Narrative as a Hero’s Journey” (Spring 2015)

Sarah Lambach: “Moving From Fact to Fiction” (Spring 2015)

Chad Blair, Nicole Johnson, and Angel Samata: “Online Classroom Novel Website: The

            Diviners by Libba Bray (Spring 2014)

Jennifer Mitchell: “Employing Media in Pre-Reading Strategies” (First Place

Undergraduate Research Day Podium Presentation) (Spring 2013)

Joanay Shephard: “The Art of Writing Creative Non-Fiction Utilizing Research and Other

Literacy Techniques” (Spring 2013)

Megan Grove, Joanay Shepherd, and Kristen Strandt: “A Day in the Archives” (Spring


Brittney Barrow, Jennifer Park, and Jerry Taylor: “Past to Present, Women’s Activism on

Western’s Campus” (Spring 2012)

Katelynn Henry and Charity Otte: “The Education that Western Lost” (Spring 2012)

David Comerford, Joseph Moore, and Christine Murphy: “The Educators of Western

Illinois Lab School” (Spring 2012)