Another week down in Oslo. We’re getting used to the T-Bane and getting around the city. On Monday, we rode around on the ferry in the Oslo fjords. The ferry is thought of as public transportation here and you can use your Ruter card to ride it. Instead of getting off at any of the stops, we just took a bit of a tour. It was a beautiful day to sit on the outer deck of the ferry and enjoy the Oslo August sun before it disappears.
We had some food adventures this week as well. We had amazing ice cream (iskrem) which was like a lovely frozen

custard. I got it with chocolate on it. It seemed like they rolled it in cocoa. Chris also went searching for the typical hotdog in Norway which is wrapped in bacon. (Yeah, I’m not touching that.) On one of our walks we also came across a stand selling whale, reindeer, and moose sausage, so we had to do some sampling. Lucy LOVED the whale, Jack the moose, and Chris the reindeer. We didn’t buy any, but they are ready for more sausage if we come across it again.

On Wednesday I went in for my first orientation at the Fulbright office. I met the other two rovers as well as the folks in the Fulbright office who I’ve been emailing for the past six months. We learned a bit more about the nuts and bolts of the Rover program. We talked about how to contact schools, book travel, and prepare for our Roving. We also got our phones (I now have a Norwegian phone number!), iPads, and email addresses.
I’m looking forward to getting out and getting into the schools. I’m working on getting my workshops set and starting to hear from schools and make plans for visits. There were already emails waiting for all of us from schools who wanted us to visit, so I’ve been fielding emails from throughout Norway starting to get things set up. I will be traveling throughout the country and can’t wait to start seeing more of this beautiful place.
I also learned that the schools do the education in prisons in Norway, so there are many prison schools that are just part of the public schools in different areas. I am hoping to contact these schools and work on visiting prison schools throughout Norway.

Next week the kiddos start school and I will be headed to Halden to learn more about the education system. Until then, happy reading.